Every human being is composed of the qualities of every other being on the planet. We are not made solely in the "image of God" but just as much in the image of all that surrounds us, stones, plants, animals, the galactic beings, as well as in the image of all the chaos and ultimate clarity that went into creating our universe. Midrash HaNe'elam 1:16b
All plants, minerals, and animals, including the stars, moons, suns, and planets, are living, conscious beings replete with divine wisdom and soul. Psalms 8:7-8; 145:10, 148:3-4 and 7-11; Isaiah 55:12; Job 12:7-8; Midrash Heichalot Rabati 24:3
Kabbalistic Astrology: The key to unlocking your path, your life's purpose
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